loved the game!too bad this is just a demo version.passed the whole game.
loved the game!too bad this is just a demo version.passed the whole game.
the game is kinda boring.and how in the name of do you shoot????????????????????????????????
g r e a t
nice game.only thing i dont like is the thing that you can lose levels.
come on
come on man!i it could be a lot better!no hard fealings but its 4
its ok
you got six couse
i loved it
it looks like the original knight
and i tought it would be a little better
the game is in part 3 you have a lot of diferent enemies and you can create your character.the game also has a campagain witch makes it a little better from part 3.ok that was good.but the game isn't perfect.there is some small bugs that are realy iritating.overall the game gets a 9 from me!
i love it
the game is the best ever!!!i loved the mini games aspecialy clean up game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
preety good game!!!
nah i dont like it
its good game but personaly i dont like it
Joined on 5/5/09